Cascadia Connections: Family Resources
Northwest Cheapsleeps: Favorite places for budget travelers (WA, OR, BC) Kids in Victoria: For Vancouver Island families (BC) KidsVancouver: A helping hand to provide a great family resource in Vancouver (BC) BC Parents Forum: For parents, by parents (BC) Portland Family Adventures: Parents’ guide to family fun in Portland, Oregon (OR) Swings and Roundabouts: Vancouver and Victoria playground reviews (WA) Urbanmamas: Portland mamas with tips on things to do, places to eat and more (OR) Yoyomama: Keeping mums on-the-go in the know (BC)
Family Travel Blogroll
Ceilydh Sets Sail: We bought a boat, quit our jobs and headed out to sea Ciao Bambino: Inspiring families to travel the world DeliciousBaby: Making travel with kids fun Family Rambling: Tips and destinations from a traveling family Frisco Kids: Your guide to kid-friendly events and trips around the San Francisco Bay Area…and beyond The Globetrotter Parent: Expat life in Madagascar Have Baby Will Travel: Eating, sleeping, playing & getting around with baby Have Kids Still Travel: Because you can’t leave ’em home alone Kids Go West: Tales of family travel in the Western U.S. Lollipop Road: A family friendly travel blog Mom Most Traveled: Travel, giveaways, reviews and more Mother of…